underwriting syndicate

underwriting syndicate
фин. синдикат андеррайтеров, андеррайтинговый [гарантийный\] синдикат

The issuer and the underwriting syndicate jointly determine the price of a new issue. — Эмитент и гарантирующий подписку синдикат совместно определяют цену нового выпуска.


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underwriting syndicate underwriting group гарантийный синдикат: 1) страховой синдикат; 2) группа банков, гарантирующая размещение еврокредитов, еврооблигаций, евронот; группа обычно покупает новые ценные бумаги для немедленного размещения среди инвесторов; разница в ценах покупки и продажи составляет прибыль синдиката; большинство синдикатов действуют по принципу разделенного контракта, т. е. ответственность каждого участника синдиката ограничена его индивидуальным участием; = distributing syndicate; divided syndicate contract; investment banking group (syndicate); purchase group.
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синдикат, размещающий ценные бумаги на условиях
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Синдикат андеррайтеров
. Группа инвестиционных банков, работающих вместе при продаже новых эмиссий инвесторам. Синдикат андеррайтеров возглавляет ведущий андеррайтер. См. также Lead underwriter (ведущий андеррайтер) . Инвестиционная деятельность .

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "underwriting syndicate" в других словарях:

  • Underwriting syndicate — A group of investment banks that work together to sell new security offerings to investors. The underwriting syndicate is led by the lead underwriter. See also: lead underwriter. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * underwriting syndicate… …   Financial and business terms

  • underwriting syndicate — A group of investment banks that work together to sell new security offerings to investors. The underwriting syndicate is led by the lead underwriter. See also: lead underwriter. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * underwriting syndicate… …   Financial and business terms

  • Underwriting syndicate —   A group of investment dealers which together underwrite an issue of securities. Each member of the syndicate agrees to accept a risk that the issue will not be completely taken up by the market. See also Underwriting syndicate …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • underwriting syndicate — / ʌndəraɪtɪŋ ˌsɪndɪkət/ noun a group of underwriters who insure a large risk …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Syndicate — A group of banks that acts jointly, on a temporary basis, to loan money in a bank credit (syndicated credit) or to underwrite a new issue of bonds. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. syndicate syn‧di‧cate 1 [ˈsɪndkt] noun… …   Financial and business terms

  • syndicate — A group of banks that acts jointly, on a temporary basis, to loan money in a bank credit (syndicated credit) or to underwrite a new issue of bonds. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. syndicate syn‧di‧cate 1 [ˈsɪndkt] noun [countable] …   Financial and business terms

  • Syndicate — A professional financial services group formed temporarily for the purpose of handling a large transaction that would be hard or impossible for the entities involved to handle individually. Syndication allows companies to pool their resources and …   Investment dictionary

  • Underwriting — 1. The process by which investment bankers raise investment capital from investors on behalf of corporations and governments that are issuing securities (both equity and debt). 2. The process of issuing insurance policies. The word underwriter is …   Investment dictionary

  • underwriting spread — The income that is generated by the underwriting syndicate and the selling group, which is essentially the difference between the amount paid to the issuer of securities in a primary distribution and the public offering price. Bloomberg Financial …   Financial and business terms

  • Syndicate —   Refer instead to Underwriting syndicate …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • Underwriting — refers to the process that a large financial service provider (bank, insurer, investment house) uses to assess the eligibility of a customer to receive their products (equity capital, insurance, mortgage or credit). The name derives from the… …   Wikipedia

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